Florida Sales Tax Rules
12A-1.053 Electric Power and Energy
(1)(a) The sale of electric power or energy by an electric utility is taxable. The sale of electric power or energy for use in residential households, to owners of residential models, or to licensed family day care homes by utilities who are required to pay the gross receipts tax imposed by subparagraph 203.01(1)(a)1., F.S., is exempt. Also exempt is electric power or energy sold by such utilities and used in the common areas of apartment houses, cooperatives, and condominiums, in residential facilities enumerated in Chapters 400 and 429, F.S., and in other residential facilities. However, if any part of the electric power or energy is used for a non-exempt purpose, the entire sale is subject to tax.
(b) An electric utility is not obligated to collect and remit tax on any sale of electric power or energy when:
1. The electric power or energy is sold at a rate based on the utility’s “residential schedule,” under tariffs filed by the utility with the Public Service Commission; or
2. The utility has on file a writing or document evidencing a representation of the utility’s customer that the electric power or energy is being purchased for residential household use, including licensed family day care homes and other facilities identified in paragraph (a). The writing or document may be a customer application or a certificate that identifies the customer as purchasing the electric power or energy for a residential purpose. A “customer application” includes a record of information obtained electronically or orally from the customer in the ordinary course of business. The electric utility must have acted in good faith in accepting the representation of the customer.
(c) Tax is due on electric power or energy purchased by a customer tax exempt for the claimed purposes of residential household use that does not qualify for such exemption. In such instances, if the electric utility complies with the requirements of paragraph (b), the Department will look to the customer for any applicable tax, penalty, or interest due. The Department will look to the utility for any applicable tax, penalty, or interest due when the electric utility’s books and records indicate a failure to comply with the requirements of paragraph (b).
(2) All fuels used by public or private utilities, including municipal corporations and rural cooperative associations in the generation of electric power or energy for sale are exempt.
(3) Private or public utilities or rural electric cooperative associations are required to pay use tax based on the cost of electric power or energy used by them.
Cross Reference: Rule 12A-1.022, F.A.C., for guidelines on federal excise taxes, gross receipts tax, and other fees.
(4) See Rule 12A-1.087, F.A.C., for requirements to claim the exemption for electricity used for the production or processing of agricultural farm products on a farm.
Rulemaking Authority 212.18(2), 213.06(1) FS. Law Implemented 212.02(2), (19), 212.05(1)(e), 212.06(1)(a), (b), 212.08(4), (5)(e)2., (7)(j), 212.18(2) FS. History–New 10-7-68, Amended 6-16-72, 12-11-74, 10-18-78, 6-3-80, 12-23-80, 7-20-82, Formerly 12A-1.53, Amended 10-2-01, 4-17-03, 9-15-08, 2-17-15.